串聯在地文化與產業鏈,廣邀在地部落女性工藝師及傳統美食家共同勾勒出具文化深度的台灣在地美學;連結國際文化,邀請南美洲的朋友同時分享文化也動手做做看,期待透過《TJIMUR藝術生活節》吸引更多民眾認識在地文化美學及南美洲生活藝術文化,並且豐富觀眾視野。 讓我們簡單學文化,生在部落、活在世界、享受生活,從生活中的食、衣、住、行展開一連串的趣味豐富課程!
The workshop connects the local cultures and the industry chain and broadly invites local craftswomen and traditional food gourmets from the community to create Taiwanese aesthetics with cultural depth together. The workshop aims to connect international cultures and thus welcomes people from South America to share their cultures while DIY-ing. It is hoped that through “Tjimur Arts Festival”, more audience can be attracted to learn more about the aesthetics of local cultures and the arts and cultures in the life in South America, to widen the audience’s horizon. Let’s learn cultures in a free and easy way, live in the world while having been born in the community, enjoy life, and join a series of interesting and colorful sessions from food, clothing, housing, and transportation in daily lives! |
期間:7.8(四)至7.18(日) 時間:各場不一,請參閱行事曆 地點:地磨兒部落 場次:10場 7.8(四)《排灣衣扣製作》陳惠蓮 7.9(五)《排灣花環與服飾美學》包珠霞 7.10(六)《茜草染小手提袋紅色系列》彭春林 7.11(日)《琉璃秘境》廖怡婷 7.13(二)《學咖啡、喝咖啡》馮德仁 7.14(三)《排灣網袋環編織技藝》杜蘭胞 7.15(四)《安坡童玩》蔣宗佑 7.16(五)《月桃門檻花圈》高舒奈 7.17(六)《玩皮》周錦花 7.18(日)《石頭上的圖紋》潘泓 民眾須網路報名,每場限15名。 費用:每人$500含材料費 ( 活動醞釀中,即將開放報名 ) |
Events Information
Dates:7/8-7/18, with Monday off Time:Each session is different. Location: Tjimur Tribe Number of sessions: 10 7/08 Thu.《Paiwan Button Making》Denise Chen 7/09 Fri. 《Aesthetics of the Paiwan Garlands and Apparel》Eleng Pakedavai 7/10 Sat, 《》Peng, Chun-Lin 7/11 Sun. 《A Secret Place of Colored Glass》Liao, Yi-Ting 7/13 Tue. 《Drinking Coffee and Learning about Coffee》Fong,De-Ren 7/14 Wed.《Paiwan Traditional Weaving Workmanship》vuvu Lanbao 7/15 Thu. 《Djineljepan Toy: Quacker》Jiang, Zong-You 7/16 Fri. 《Shell Ginger Garlands for Doorsills》Kao, Shui-Nai 7/17 Sat. 《Playing with Leather》Zhou, Jin-Hua 7/18 Sun. 《Patterns on Stones》Pan, Hong Participants must register online. 15 participants only. Fee: NT$500 (include material fee) Register : Coming soon... |
排灣衣扣製作Paiwan Button Making
以排灣族傳統服飾上的衣扣圖紋為靈感。學員會先從觀察大自然裏昆蟲及植物的形態開始,將其造形勾勒簡化成線條圖紋,然後基於這些圖紋,用針及編繩縫製成傳統的排灣衣扣。 講師|陳惠蓮 畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術系(博士)。原長居香港,數年前回台定居。除了個人藝術創作,目前從事 有關台灣原住⺠藝術,手工藝文化的研究,傳承與設計發展的工作。 The course is inspired by the totem string buttons found on traditional dresses of the Paiwan tribe. Participants of the course will start by observing the shapes of insects and plants in nature and outline patterns are then drawn from the shapes. Finally, based on the outline patterns, participants, using needle and thread, will sew a traditional Paiwan dress button. Instructor| Denise Chen Graduated from RMIT University School of Art Dr. of Fine Art. Originally long time Hong Kong resident and returned to Taiwan a few years ago. Besides personal artistic creation, present pursuits include researching on the artistic and handicraft cultures of Taiwan indigenous peoples, plus working on the continuation and development of the traditions. 日期|2021.7.8 (四)14:00-16:00 地點|賽嘉部落 Tjailjakin (報名本場次須自行前往) Date | 2021.7.8 (Thu.) 14:00-16:00 Lacation|Tjailjakin Tribe *There is no transport Service, Please arrived by ownself. |
Aesthetics of the Paiwan Garlands and Apparel 在傳統石板屋內,學習使用在地植物編織成美麗的花環,與講師一同感受石板屋的呼吸。在編織花環時,圍繞著vuvu(長輩)聆聽她與我們分享排灣族傳統服飾的細膩。 講師|包珠霞 來自地磨兒部落Pakedavai家族第10代,是家族歌謠吟唱者。 In this session, participants can learn to create beautiful garlands using local plants inside a traditional slate house, feeling the breath of the slate house with the lecturer. When making garland, participants will circle around a vuvu (an elder) and listen to her sharing the details of the traditional Paiwan apparel. Instructor| Eleng Pakedavai vuvu Eleng is the 10th generation of the Pakedavai family in the Tjimur tribe and a singer of family ballads. 日期|2021.7.9 (五) 14:00-16:00 地點|Pakedavai 石板屋 Date | 2021.7.9 (Fri.) 14:00-16:00 Lacation|Pakedavai Slate house |
The Small Hand Bag Series Dyed Red from Indian Madders 植物染布,是人類古老的智慧,植物染料因承受了大地的日月精華,隨著四季的變化,釋放出不同的色彩。茜草為紅根多年生草本植物,茜草根片可染出紅色。先用竹筷、棉線、橡皮筋等技巧設計圖案,丟進染液後,就形成各種圖案。 講師|彭春林 「逗~逗逗~咻,逗~逗逗~咻」是祖母織布機的聲音,這是彭春林童年歲月最難忘的聲音。 秉持夢想,忠誠面對自己的興趣,不顧打破魯凱族男性不得碰織布機的禁忌;在糾結雜亂的線條中找到了原屬自己的根。以傳統編織工法不斷創新改良設計現代語彙,將魯凱族美麗的圖騰結合己身的創意朝夢想邁進。 同時成為手工藝發展中心認證的工藝之家裡唯一的原住民織染繡工藝家,並進一步創立手工房,讓魯凱族人婦女們找到舞台,也讓更多人認識魯凱族文化。 Using plants to dye clothes is ancient knowledge. There are a rich variety of dyes from plants as plants have absorbed the essence from the land and with all kinds of colors in different seasons. Indian madders are red-root perennial herbs, and sliced roots can be used as red dyes. Participants can use chopsticks, cotton threads, and rubber bands to design their patterns and throw them into the liquid dyes. Then the designed patterns will appear. Instructor|Peng, Chun-Lin “Tock…, tock tock…, whoosh”. This is the sound from our grandmothers’ looms. And for Chun-Lin Peng, it is the most unforgettable sound from his childhood.Sticking to his dream and facing his own hobby honestly even when touching a boom is a taboo for Rukai males, Peng has found his own root in these tangled threads. He has been improving the contemporary languages using traditional weaving techniques, integrating the beautiful Rukai totems with his own creativity, soaring toward his dream.As the only indigenous weaving/dyeing/embroidering artist of the Crafts Workshop, certified by the Craft Research and Development Institute, Peng also founded a craft studio to help Rukao women find their stages, so that more and more people can get to know the Rukai culture. 日期|2021.7.10 (六) 13:00-15:00 地點|地磨兒部落13鄰29巷25號 Date | 2021.7.10 (Sat.) 13:00-15:00 Lacation|Tjimur Tribe |
琉璃秘境A Secret Place of Colored Glass
沈浸在沙滔舞琉璃藝術空間,認識排灣族三寶之一「琉璃珠」的優美故事和含義,並親自手作琉璃工藝品。 講師|廖怡婷 沙滔舞琉璃藝術空間 藝術總監 Participants can immerse in this art space of colored glass called “Sha Tao”, getting to know the beautiful stories and meanings of one of the three treasures of the Paiwan people, “glass beads” and personally making glass handicrafts. Instrutor | Liao, Yi-Ting Art director of ShaTao Lazurite Art 日期|2021.7.11 (日) 13:00-15:00 地點|沙滔舞琉璃藝術空間 Date | 2021.7.11 (Sun.) 13:00-15:00 Lacation|ShaTao Lazurite Art |
學咖啡 喝咖啡Drinking Coffee and Learning about Coffee
所長親自帶領大家認識在地咖啡豆,並體驗如何烘培咖啡豆,感受在地磨兒邊學咖啡邊喝咖啡。 講師|馮德仁 曾經服務於德文派出所擔任所長職務,德文部落非常的特別,很有原住民傳統的生活文化。我巡邏時發現一個讓我感到好奇的問題,就是家家戶戶都有咖啡豆(已曬好的咖啡豆),但都沒有人賣,於是在96年與幾位朋友組成一個保證責任屏東縣天鵝湖農業生產合作社來協助農民行銷農產品。 The chief will personally lead participants to get to know the local coffee beans and learn coffee roasting, experiencing learning about coffee while drinking coffee in the Timur Community. Instrutor | Fong,De-Ren served as the chief of the Tukuvulj Police Station. Tukuvulj is very special with traditional lifestyles and cultures of the indigenous people. When I was patrolling, I saw something that made me curious. I saw that there were coffee beans (already dried under the sun) in every family but no one was selling them. In 2007, I founded a cooperative called “Pingtung County Swan Lake Farm Produce Cooperative” with a few friends to help farmers market their farm produce. 日期|2021.7.13 (二) 14:00-16:00 地點|所長咖啡工作室 Date | 2021.7.13 (Tue.) 14:00-16:00 Lacation|Chief Coffee Workshop |
Paiwan Weaving Techniques 邀請民眾一同與vuvu手作排灣傳統技藝,體驗藤繩處理過程,進而學習編織網袋環。 講師|杜蘭胞 15歲,跟隨部落耆老學習排灣族傳統石板屋建築工法。40歲,擔任部落傳統婚禮儀式禮俗委員。50歲,跟隨蒂摩爾文化藝術團赴國際參加文化藝術節歌舞演出,為排灣文化推廣貢獻良多。60歲,將排灣歌謠及勇士歌舞傳承於部落族人,同時也獲部落公認為一名勇士。70歲,受聘於地磨兒國小擔任鄉土文化講師,傳承排灣文化技藝及山林智慧。76歲,獲「103年地方基層芳草人物」表揚殊榮。 現今84歲,依舊致力於於部落文化傳承。 杜蘭胞耆老期許後代族人,用心對待每一件事,成為永無止盡的學習者與實踐者。 Participants are invited to practice the traditional Paiwan techniques with the vuvu, to go through the process of handling vines, and to learn weaving. He was born in 1938. Instructor | vuvu Lanbao 15 years old: learning skills of building traditional slate houses.40 years old: served as an etiquette and custom member of the traditional events in the community.50 years old: participated in the singing and dancing performances in the art festival abroad with the Tjimur culture and arts group, making a great contribution to the promotion of the Paiwan culture.60 years old: passed on the Paiwan ballads and warrior’s dances and songs to the people of the community and was recognized by the community as a warrior.70 years old: served as a lecturer in native cultures at the Timur Elementary School, passing on the Paiwan culture and skills and the wisdom of the nature.76 years old: was recognized and honored as the “2014 outstanding local primary-level fragrant grass figure”.Now he is 84 years old and still devoted to passing on the community culture. vuvu Lanbao hopes that later generations of the community can do everything attentively and diligently and become a lifetime learner and practitioner. 日期|2021.7.14 (三) 14:00-16:00 地點|地磨兒部落4鄰1號 Date | 2021.7.14 (Wed.) 14:00-16:00 Lacation|Tjimur tribe |
安坡童玩Djineljepan Toy
安坡部落以「童玩」為主題,轉型為觀光部落,將整個部落打造成「安坡童玩王國/Djineljepan部落」。對於部落兒時記憶不只是有趣的小玩具,連耕種時vuvu用的趕鳥器也是小時候在田裡的玩具。 講師|蔣宗佑 致力於排灣族語教學及安坡部落的發展,現今於口社、長榮百合國小擔任童玩文化講師文化講師、安坡社區發展協會理事長。 The Djineljepan tribe has transited into a tourist community with the theme of “toys”. The whole community has been built into the “Djineljepan Toy Kingdom”. The vuvu’s childhood memories of the community include not just interesting small toys. Even the quackers used in farms to scare birds away were also children’s toys. Instructor | Jiang, Zong-You The lecturer has been devoted to the education of the Paiwan language and the development of the Djineljepan Community and currently serves as a lecturer in toy cultures at the Koushe Elementary School, a lecturer in cultures at the Evergreen Lily Elementary School, and the president of the Djineljepan Community Development Association. 日期|2021.7.15 (四) 14:00-16:00 地點|文化館外廣場 Date | 2021.7.15 (Thu.) 14:00-16:00 Lacation|Cultural hall |
月桃門檻花圈Shell Ginger Garlands for Doorsills
我們以在地植物如月桃、芒萁、木麻黃果實、石櫟等可乾燥花草組合,用自然的手法去呈現植物本身的線條,並讓大家認識花草與原住民的關係及色彩的堆疊配色,製作出來的花圈呈現較原始粗獷的氛圍。 講師|高舒奈 來自台東阿美族高舒奈老師,近年專注於文物維護、梅爾檸檬種植及各類工藝創作,對於美學有獨到的見解。 We will combine local plants which can be dried, such as shell gingers, dichotomy forked ferns, beef wood fruits, and tanoaks, to present the outlines of the plants through a natural approach and teach participants the relationships between plants and indigenous people and ways to match colors. The garlands created will look more primitive and original. Instructor | Kao, Shui-Nai The Amis lecturer Kao, Shui-Nai is from Taitung. In the recent years, she has been devoted to conservation of cultural relics, planting of meyer lemons, and creation of various artifacts. She has a unique insight into aesthetics. 日期|2021.7.16 (五) 13:00-15:00 地點|沙滔舞琉璃藝術空間 Date | 2021.7.16 (五) 13:00-15:00 Lacation|ShaTao Lazurite Art |
玩皮Playing with Leather
一、認識皮雕及雕塑工具。 二、認識排灣圖騰,學習如何繪製雕塑草稿。 三、利用皮雕技術將自己的圖騰呈現出獨一無二的作品。 講師|周錦花 隱藏在地磨兒部落的藝術家來自泰武鄉佳平部落,遠嫁到地磨兒並成立一間竹甄庭工作室,曾受邀至各個學校及社區單位教學皮雕工藝,如:排灣傳統男士側背包、傳統男生皮製頭飾、現代托特包等等。 -To learn leather carving and the tools used for carving; -To learn the Paiwan totems and how to draw a draft for carving; and -To create a unique piece of work with using the leather carving techniques. Instructor | Zhou, Jin-Hua The lecturer is an artist hiding in the community. She was born in the Kaviyangan Community and then got married into the Timur Community and founded the 筑甄庭 Workshop there. She has been invited to many schools and community organizations to teach how to make leathercrafts, such as traditional shoulder bags for men, traditional leather head ornaments for men, and modern tote bags. 日期|2021.7.17 (六) 13:30-15:30 地點|地磨兒部落9鄰1號 Date | 2021.7.17 (六) 13:30-15:30 Lacation|Tjimur Tribe |
石頭上的圖紋Patterns on Stones
認識原住民文化與大自然的關係,以傳承長輩教我們如何珍惜大自然給予的寶貴資源,課程中與學員分享排灣圖騰與含義。最後利用天然材料「石頭」 作繪畫,以這樣的方式讓學員體會我們與大地的連接。 講師|潘泓 畢業於 正修科大建築系;現職 京冠生技有限公司 創作理念: 生命裡 圖騰慢慢地實現了 長久以來 埋在心靈中 深深的感動 夢想需要多少的時間 一瞬間 還是一輩子 多綺麗的故事 多燦爛的色彩 牽引著創作的路 愈來愈明亮 愈來愈豐富 Participants can learn the relationships between the indigenous cultures and the nature and pass on the knowledge from the elders regarding how to cherish the precious resources from mother nature. In this session, the lecturer will share the knowledge and meanings of the Paiwan totems with participants. Lastly, participants will try to paint on the natural material, stones, to feel our connections with the land. Instructor | Pan, Hong Graduated from the Department of Architectural Engineering of Cheng-Shiu University services at King's Ground Biotech Co., Ltd. Creative concept: Totem in life slowly realized for so long Deep in my heart, profoundly touched How much time does the dream be achieved a second, or a lifetime What a gorgeous story, what brilliant colors Leading the way of my creation Getting brighter and more plentiful 日期|2021.7.18 (日) 13:30-15:30 地點|地磨兒藝術公園 Date | 2021.7.18 (Sun.) 13:30-15:30 Location | Tjimur Art Park |