期間:7/6(二)、7/8(四)、7/9(五)、7/13(二)、7/14(三)、7/15(四) 時間:14:00-16:00 地點:蒂摩爾劇場 場次:6場 開放民眾觀賞藝術家創作實驗, 民眾須電話預約入場,於蒂摩爾咖啡低消$200(限2小時)。 報名:電洽(08)7994849 |
Event Information
Dates: 7/6、7/8、7/9、7/13、7/14、7/15 Time: 14:00-16:00 Location: Tjimur Dance Theatre Number of sessions: 6 The Laboratory is open for participants to observe and watch the artists’ creative experiments. To participate, please make an appointment by calling in advance. The minimum order in the Tjimur Café Life is NT$200 (with a dining time limit of 2 hours). Sign up: Call (08)799 4849 |
畢業於台北藝術大學劇場藝術研究所,主修導演。 2017 年國家兩廳院駐館藝術家。2018 年 ACC 亞洲文化協會受獎人。2019 年,法國巴黎西帖藝術村駐村藝術家。三度受邀赴羅伯威爾森(Robert Wilson)主持的長島水磨坊駐村創作。作品曾二度入圍台新藝術獎年度十大表演藝術,三度於外亞維儂藝術節上演,演出足跡遍及柏林、巴黎、紐約、哥本哈根、首爾等城市。 代表作品包括:2020 年,《人民之王》(丹麥屋舍劇院與台灣莎妹劇團共製)、《色度:賈曼計畫》(台灣聲響實驗室)、《新!王冠度假村 Corona Villa》(臺北市立美術館「藍天之下,我們時代的精神狀態」聯展);2019 年 , 《餐桌上的神話學》(兩廳院「TIFA 台灣國際藝術節」 ); 2018 年,《神農氏》(兩廳院「國際劇場藝術節」);2017 年,《重考時光》國家兩廳院駐館創作、《悲劇景觀》(臺北市立美術館「社交場」聯展) 《How Long is Now?》(外亞維儂藝術節);2016年,《How Long is Now?》( 《小夜曲》(田馥甄音樂舞台劇)、《百年孤寂》台南鹽山版。 Baboo graduated from the graduate school of Theatrical Arts, TNUA, with a master's degree in directing. He was an artist in residency at National Theater & Concert Hall, Taipei in 2017. He was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship Award and participated in a residency program in New York City in 2018. He was an artist in residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris in 2019. Since his theatre directing debut in 1997, Baboo has directed some thirty productions, two of which have earned him the awards for Taishin Arts Awards for Annual Top 10 Performing Arts. Three of his plays were invited to premiere in Festival Off d’Avignon and have toured several major cities in France since then. Baboo has been frequently invited to international exchange programs and performances, and as a prolific young director, he continues to maintain high visibility, receiving much attention from various fields. His work has been invited to perform in New York, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Avignon, and Seoul. Recent works include: Am Königsweg, Chroma: A Derek Jarman Project, Corona Villa(2020), Mythology Upon the Table(2019), God Knows(2018), Caged Time, Common Tragedies(2017), How Long is Now?, Serenade, One Hundred Years of Solitude (2016) |
楊淨皓 Ching-Hao Yang
排灣族 屏東縣泰武鄉佳平村人 畢業於國立臺灣體育運動大學舞蹈系,2013年加入蒂摩爾古薪舞集。 演出作品《Kurakuraw.戀羽》、《Kurakuraw・舞琉璃》、《Kavaluan的凝視》、《Umaq・烏瑪》、《Qai~i愛遺憶》、《似不舞【s】》、《在一起 2Gather》、《Varhung~心事誰人知》、《Calisi・斜坡上的婚禮》、《哎~撒撒》及《去排灣》等。曾隨團參與2014、2015年英國「愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季」演出,2016年《在一起 2Gather》台紐國際共製計畫「台北藝術節」、「PULIMA藝術節」演出,同年《似不舞【s】》至墨西哥「塞萬提斯國際藝術節」演出,2017年至義大利為「世大運」引燃母火儀式演出。同年《似不舞【s】》至法國「外亞維儂藝術節」演出,同檔作品至日本「跳吧!秋田-土方紀念獎」演出。2018年創造歐洲巡演56天42場之巡演紀錄,連續參與法國「外亞維儂藝術節」與英國「愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季」,並於同年年底參與韓國「首爾國際編舞節」。2019隨團獲邀至加拿大「溫哥華國際舞蹈藝術節」、英國「布萊頓藝術節」及印度加爾各答「舞蹈串聯藝術節」演出演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。2020隨團獲邀至比利時「番紅花藝術節」和智利線上「阿他加馬沙漠藝術節」演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。 Serves as performer from 2013 in Tjimur Dance Theatre. He has performed in various works, including “Kurakuraw- Yearning for the Feather”, “Kurakuraw- The Dance Glass Bead”, “Gaze of the Kavaluan”, “Umaq”, “Qai~i: the Sigh of Memory”, “As Four Step”, “2Gather”, “Varhung~ Heart to Heart”, “Calisi: A Wedding on the Hillside”, “Ai~Sa Sa” and "Go Paiwan". He has travelled with the team to participated in the 2014 and 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe in the UK, 2016 Taipei Arts Festival the co-production between Taiwan and New Zealand, “2 Gather”, 2016 Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico “As Four Step”, the performance for the flame lighting ceremony in Italy for the 2017 Summer Universiade, 2017 Festival OFF Avignon “As Four Step” in France, 2017 Odoru Akita also “As Four Step”, a 56-day European tour with 42 performances in 2018, 2018 Festival OFF Avignon in France, Taiwan Season - Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018 in the UK, Seoul International Choreography Festival at the end of 2018 in Korea, 2019 Vancouver International Dance Festival in Canada, 2019 Brighton Fringe Festival in the UK, 2019 Dance Bridges Festival in Kolkata, India, and 2020 Krokus Festival in Belgium “Varhung~ Heart to Heart” and the Identidades Festival in Chile. |
舞祖.達卜拉旮茲 Ljaucu Tapurakac
排灣族 屏東縣瑪家鄉排灣村人 畢業於台南應用科技大學舞蹈系,2015年加入蒂摩爾古薪舞集。 演出作品《Kurakuraw.戀羽》、《Kavaluan的凝視》、《似不舞【s】》、《在一起 2Gather》等。曾隨團參與2015年英國「愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季」演出,2016年《在一起 2Gather》、《Varhung~心事誰人知》、《Calisi・斜坡上的婚禮》、《哎~撒撒》及《去排灣》。曾隨團參與2015年英國「愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季」演出,2016年《在一起 2Gather》台紐國際共製計畫「台北藝術節」、「PULIMA藝術節」演出,同年《似不舞【s】》至墨西哥「塞萬提斯國際藝術節」演出,2017年至義大利為「世大運」引燃母火儀式演出。同年《似不舞【s】》至法國「外亞維儂藝術節」演出,同檔作品至日本「跳吧!秋田-土方紀念獎」演出。2018年創造歐洲巡演56天42場之巡演紀錄,連續參與法國「外亞維儂藝術節」與英國「愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季」,並於同年年底參與韓國「首爾國際編舞節」。2019隨團獲邀至加拿大「溫哥華國際舞蹈藝術節」、英國「布萊頓藝術節」及印度加爾各答「舞蹈串聯藝術節」演出演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。2020隨團獲邀至比利時「番紅花藝術節」和智利線上「阿他加馬沙漠藝術節」演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。 Serves as performer from 2015 in Tjimur Dance Theatre. He has performed in various works, including “Kurakuraw・Yearning for the Feather” “Kurakuraw・The Dance Glass Bead”, “Gaze of the Kavaluan”, “Umaq”, “Qai~i: the Sigh of Memory”, “As Four Step”, “2Gather”, “Varhung~ Heart to Heart”, “Calisi: A Wedding on the Hillside”, and “Ai~Sa Sa”. He has travelled with the team to participated in the 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe in the UK, 2016 Taipei Arts Festival the co-production between Taiwan and New Zealand, “2 Gather”, 2016 Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico “As Four Step”, the performance for the flame lighting ceremony in Italy for the 2017 Summer Universiade, 2017 Festival OFF Avignon “As Four Step” in France, 2017 Odoru Akita also “As Four Step”, a 56-day European tour with 42 performances in 2018, 2018 Festival OFF Avignon in France, Taiwan Season - Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018 in the UK, Seoul International Choreography Festival at the end of 2018 in Korea, 2019 Vancouver International Dance Festival in Canada, 2019 Brighton Fringe Festival in the UK, 2019 Dance Bridges Festival in Kolkata, India, and 2020 Krokus Festival in Belgium “Varhung~Heart to Heart” and the Identidades Festival in Chile. |
蒙慈恩 Tzu-En Meng
漢族 屏東市人 畢業於中國文化大學舞蹈系,2017年加入蒂摩爾古薪舞集。 演出作品《似不舞【s】》、《Varhung~心事誰人知》、《Calisi・斜坡上的婚禮》、《哎~撒撒》及《去排灣》等。曾隨團參與2017年義大利「世大運」引燃母火儀式演出。同年《似不舞【s】》至法國「外亞維儂藝術節」演出,同檔作品至日本「跳吧!秋田-土方紀念獎」演出。2018年創造歐洲巡演56天42場之巡演紀錄,連續參與法國「外亞維儂藝術節」與英國「愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季」,並於同年年底參與韓國「首爾國際編舞節」。2019隨團獲邀至加拿大「溫哥華國際舞蹈藝術節」、英國「布萊頓藝術節」及印度加爾各答「舞蹈串聯藝術節」演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。2020隨團獲邀至比利時「番紅花藝術節」和智利線上「阿他加馬沙漠藝術節」演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。 Serves as performer from 2017 in Tjimur Dance Theatre. She has performed in various works, including “As Four Step”, “2Gather”, “Varhung~ Heart to Heart”, “Calisi: A Wedding on the Hillside”, and “Ai~Sa Sa”. She has travelled with the team to participated in the performance for the flame lighting ceremony in Italy for the 2017 Summer Universiade, 2017 Festival OFF Avignon “As Four Step” in France, 2017 Odoru Akita also “As Four Step”, a 56-day European tour with 42 performances in 2018, 2018 Festival OFF Avignon in France, Taiwan Season - Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2018 in the UK, Seoul International Choreography Festival at the end of 2018 in Korea, 2019 Vancouver International Dance Festival in Canada, 2019 Brighton Fringe Festival in the UK, 2019 Dance Bridges Festival in Kolkata, India, and 2020 Krokus Festival in Belgium “Varhung~ Heart to Heart” and the Identidades Festival in Chile. |
江聖祥 Sheng-Hsiang Chiang
排灣族 屏東縣來義鄉望嘉村人 畢業於台南應用科技大學舞蹈系,2019年加入蒂摩爾古薪舞集。 演出作品《似不舞【s】》、《Varhung~心事誰人知》、《哎~撒撒》及《去排灣》。2019隨團獲邀至加拿大「溫哥華國際舞蹈藝術節」、英國「布萊頓藝術節」及印度加爾各答「舞蹈串聯藝術節」演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。2020隨團獲邀至比利時「番紅花藝術節」和智利線上「阿他加馬沙漠藝術節」演出《Varhung~心事誰人知》。 Serves as performer from 2019 in Tjimur Dance Theatre. He has performed in various works, including “As Four Step”, “2Gather”, “Varhung~ Heart to Heart”, and “Ai~Sa Sa”. He has travelled with the team to participated in 2019 Vancouver International Dance Festival in Canada, 2019 Brighton Fringe Festival in the UK, 2019 Dance Bridges Festival in Kolkata, India, and 2020 Krokus Festival in Belgium “Varhung~ Heart to Heart” and the Identidades Festival in Chile. |