【沈浸呼吸】 Paiwan Contemporary Body Workshop 【Breathing】
課程地點|蒂摩爾古薪舞集 排練場 Time: 14:30-16:00 26th July(Fri.) Place: Theatre dance theatre 授課團隊|蒂摩爾古薪舞集 台灣首支以排灣族文化為主體性的當代舞團,2006年由路之.瑪迪霖擔任團長暨藝術總監,巴魯.瑪迪霖擔任舞蹈總監。蒂摩爾古薪舞集嘗試從排灣族傳統樂舞的學習過程,將排灣族樂舞一體形式轉化成現代舞的肢體語彙,並堅持以傳統文化為基底,提煉排灣族文化精髓,以歌入舞、以舞寫歌,展現台灣在地特色及原住民排灣族當代肢體美學的魅力。 Lecturer|Tjimur Dance Theatre “Tjimur Dance Theatre” is the first contemporary dance company with themes focusing on the Paiwan culture in Taiwan. It was founded in 2006, with Ljuzem Madiljin serving as the president and the artistic director and Baru Madiljin as the choreographer. Tjimur has been trying to transform the forms of the Paiwan dances and music into the body languages for contemporary dance based on the process of learning the traditional Paiwan dances and music. Tjimur insists to use the traditional culture as the foundation and refines the essence of the Paiwan culture, to design dances based on songs and to write songs based on dances, showing the local features of Taiwan and the aesthetic charm of the aboriginal contemporary body language of the Paiwan people. 課程簡介| 在排灣族當代身體工作坊中,蒂摩爾古薪舞集帶領學員認識排灣族文化、傳統舞步及古謠,以及舞團獨有的肢體訓練方式。路之團長及巴魯總監將親自講解舞團自排灣族傳統文化延伸到當代舞蹈的動作發展。歡迎對於傳統與當代舞蹈結合有興趣的朋友報名參與。 About the class| Tjimur Dance Theatre will introduce the Paiwan cultures, traditional dance steps, songs, and the unique ways Tjimur adopts for physical trainings to the participants. The artistic director Ljuzem and choreographer Baru will be there in person and share the development of the Dance Theatre of extending the traditional Paiwan cultures to contemporary dance movements. We sincerely welcome anyone in the field of dance who is interested in integrating traditions and contemporary dances |
India Odissi Dancing Class
課程地點|蒂摩爾古薪舞集 排練場 Time: 14:30-16:00 27th July(Sat.) Place: Theatre dance theatre 授課團隊|Kaishiki Nrityabhasha 1992年, 資深奧迪西舞者及編舞家Daksha Mashruwala創立Kaishiki Nrityabhasha ,至今已培育出超過60名舞者。以東印度古典舞—奧迪西舞蹈(Odissi)傳承為主,印度經典《舞劇論》(Natya Shastra)提及四種主要的舞蹈風格,其中之一種風格便是「Kaishiki」,意即「優雅的」風格,因此Daksha Mashruwala讓舞團以此為名,標示著奧迪西舞蹈在印度古典舞中優美雅緻的風格。 Lecturer|Daksha Mashruwala Kaishiki was founded in 1992 when the visionary Guru Smt. Daksha Mashruwala began teaching Odissi dance to a modest number of students out of her own home. Over the years, as Odissi dance’s irresistible charm reached more and more people, the institute expanded and today has over 60 students. The Natya Shastra details four main "styles" of dance, one of which is, ‘Kaishiki’. The word ‘Kaishiki’ literally means‚ ‘graceful style’. Thus Smt. Daksha Mashruwala aptly named her institute, as Odissi is an incredibly sensuous and lilting style of classical dance. 課程簡介| 由資深奧迪西舞者及編舞家Daksha Mashruwala為大家分享東印度古典舞—奧迪西舞蹈(Odissi),Daksha Ji除強調節奏與舞蹈融合的傳統訓練,更以開放的精神以奧迪西動作語彙進行創作,不受侷限,甚至捻入跨文化素材進行編創,期待為大家開拓嶄新的舞蹈視野。 About the class| Dashksha Mashruwala will share the East India classical dance-Odissi. The Odissi is not only the traditional training that emphasizes the fusion of rhythm and dance, it is also created in an open spirit with the Odissi action vocabulary. It is not limited, and even breaks into cross-cultural material for editing. It is expected to open up a new dance vision for everyone. |
【強烈節奏】 Paiwan Contemporary Body Workshop 【Intense Tempo】
課程地點|蒂摩爾古薪舞集 排練場 Time: 14:30-16:00 28th July(Sun.) Place: Theatre dance theatre 授課團隊|蒂摩爾古薪舞集 台灣首支以排灣族文化為主體性的當代舞團,2006年由路之.瑪迪霖擔任團長暨藝術總監,巴魯.瑪迪霖擔任舞蹈總監。蒂摩爾古薪舞集嘗試從排灣族傳統樂舞的學習過程,將排灣族樂舞一體形式轉化成現代舞的肢體語彙,並堅持以傳統文化為基底,提煉排灣族文化精髓,以歌入舞、以舞寫歌,展現台灣在地特色及原住民排灣族當代肢體美學的魅力。 Lecturer|Tjimur Dance Theatre “Tjimur Dance Theatre” is the first contemporary dance company with themes focusing on the Paiwan culture in Taiwan. It was founded in 2006, with Ljuzem Madiljin serving as the president and the artistic director and Baru Madiljin as the choreographer. Tjimur has been trying to transform the forms of the Paiwan dances and music into the body languages for contemporary dance based on the process of learning the traditional Paiwan dances and music. Tjimur insists to use the traditional culture as the foundation and refines the essence of the Paiwan culture, to design dances based on songs and to write songs based on dances, showing the local features of Taiwan and the aesthetic charm of the aboriginal contemporary body language of the Paiwan people. 課程簡介| 在排灣族當代身體工作坊中,蒂摩爾古薪舞集帶領學員認識排灣族文化、傳統舞步及古謠,以及舞團獨有的肢體訓練方式。路之團長及巴魯總監將親自講解舞團自排灣族傳統文化延伸到當代舞蹈的動作發展。歡迎對於傳統與當代舞蹈結合有興趣的朋友報名參與。 About the class| Tjimur Dance Theatre will introduce the Paiwan cultures, traditional dance steps, songs, and the unique ways Tjimur adopts for physical trainings to the participants. The artistic director Ljuzem and choreographer Baru will be there in person and share the development of the Dance Theatre of extending the traditional Paiwan cultures to contemporary dance movements. We sincerely welcome anyone in the field of dance who is interested in integrating traditions and contemporary dances |